Flag of Guyana


Where is Guyana located?
Guyana locator
Map of Guyana
Map of Guyana
Current Currency:Guyanese dollar (GYD)
Continent:South America
Official Language:English
Ethnic Groups:Indian, African, Multiracial, Indigenous, European, Chinese
Religions:Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Irreligious
Borders:Brazil, Suriname, Venezuela
Country Calling Code:+592
Top Level Domain:.gy
ISO Alpha-2 Country Code:GY
ISO Alpha-3 Country Code:GUY
Current weather in Guyana
Current weather in
Georgetown, Guyana Guyana

Local time is 18:47, 19 September 2024
Light Rain
29.99 °C Feels like 36.01 °C
Sunrise at 05:42
Sunset at 17:50
1008 hpa
Temperature is from 29.99 °C to 29.99 °C
Wind is 5.14 m/s
Clouds: 40 %
exchange rates
Exchange Rates on 19 September 2024 at 13:00
1 USD = 209,4572 GYD
1 GYD = 0,0048 USD
1 EUR = 233,0334 GYD
1 GYD = 0,0043 EUR